Všechny stránky
Z OdriaWiki
Skočit na navigaciSkočit na vyhledávání- Fabulator
- Fadherain
- Fail magic
- Fake
- Fake signature
- Fake thought
- Faleš
- Falešný útok a útěk
- Falisathria
- Fall-a-cious ritual
- False echo
- False magic
- Falsir
- Falunvedil
- Familiar
- Fanatismus
- Far sense
- Faraheon
- Faregorn
- Farmaření
- Farmers
- Farnes
- Farragon
- Fartown
- Fast
- Fast meditation
- Fast memory seek
- Fat to power
- Fata morgána
- Fatigue shakedown
- Fatla
- Faunawise
- Favourite weapons
- Fayas
- Feast
- Feat for fun
- Feature alteration
- Feedback loop
- Feeder
- Feel end
- Feel threat
- Feelings for a beast
- Feelink
- Feints
- Feline maneuvers
- Felvin´s excitement
- Fennaiston
- Fennamore Runnstead
- Feriamolyt
- Feromoplosion
- Feuerwerk Schnaps
- Fewerindraiárswithíí
- Fext
- Fext invulnerability
- Feylay´s finger
- Fi
- Fialové blesky
- Fialové blesky kulové
- Field of avoidance
- Field of comfort
- Field of harm
- Field of noncognition
- Field of null
- Field of subversion
- Fiery skeleton
- Fiery termogeddon
- Fiery vision
- Fiery web
- Fight might
- Fightform doppler
- Figil
- Filedall
- Fill bladder
- Filosofie symbolů
- Filthproofness
- Finae
- Find plant
- Find poison
- Findrais
- Finyyad
- Firastag
- Fire dasher
- Fire eggs
- Fire help
- Fire protection
- Fire pulse
- Fire stormlight
- Fire tongues
- Fire watter
- Fire wave
- Fireball
- Fireblast
- Fireblood
- Firebolt
- Firebreathing
- Fireclaws
- Firefingers
- Fireforce shield
- Fireforce strike
- Firelord´s breath
- Fireproofness
- Fireproofness (psi)
- Firetwins
- Firewalking
- Firm stance
- Fisherman´s blessing
- Fishmaster
- Fist of Morrlang
- Fists of golem
- Fix point
- Flacid
- Flame alteration
- Flame control
- Flame One
- Flame Two
- Flames of Peridern
- Flarantho
- Flare
- Flash
- Fleet feet ritual
- Fleetfoot ritual
- Flekatec
- Fleš
- Fleur du mort
- Flexibilize
- Flight
- Floating doorway
- Floating ear
- Floating eye
- Flowarg
- Flowarg 3128
- Flowarg 3128 informace pro PJ
- Flowducting
- Flowing hands
- Fluid movement
- Fluidity
- Fodl
- Fogor
- Foldran
- Foolishness
- Fools hat
- Foransigget
- Forask Nazr
- Force growth
- Force intervention
- Force persuader
- Forced dialogue
- Forced growth
- Forced link
- Forced return
- Forced run
- Forceplosion
- Fordlager
- Foreign link
- Foremost kinetic wave
- Foresee object´s future
- Foresee person´s future
- Forest´s mercy
- Forest magic
- Forest power
- Forget ritual
- Forivon
- Forivonský hvozd
- Form current
- Form essence
- Fort of ego
- Fortify
- Fortify other
- Fosfořík
- Foul lightning
- Foul one
- Fraction cone
- Fraegorn
- Frakce
- Francis Agora
- Franior
- Freedom of will
- Freehand parry
- Freeze
- Freeze blade
- Freeze object
- Freeze pin
- Freeze spell
- Freeze!
- Freezeforce shield
- Freezeforce strike
- Freezeproofness
- Freezing hand
- Freezing ray
- Freezing shield
- Freezy termogeddon
- Fremeria
- Frenax
- Friendly tag
- Frighten
- Frodriga
- Frogbat lock
- Froggnar
- Frost ball
- Frost hammer
- Frost of ages
- Frost wave
- Frostball
- Frostbridge
- Frying ray
- Full body automatism
- Fullmoon breaker
- Fullmoon ritual
- Fulluxiqur
- Furfax Landsdotter
- Fyzická odolnost
- Fyzická výdrž
- Fyzika
- G´thir-all
- Gadheri
- Gadlo
- Gagme
- Gagrinath
- Gagrinath pravidlově
- Gahalwashla
- Gahira
- Gain of darkness
- Gaintea
- Gakin
- Galamor
- Galdari
- Galdor
- Galediar
- Galedorf
- Galgumanské skály
- Galinor
- Galizia
- Gallanus
- Galothon
- Galtiris
- Galvinit
- Gamber
- Gamereports
- Gamma
- Gamma T25
- Ganam
- Garaghal The Undying
- Garat
- Garbage bomb
- Gardo
- Garghommon
- Garghomon pravidlově
- Garland Blightworth
- Garthnagart
- Gatekeeper
- Gathanar
- Gatherer
- Gauntlet of wrath
- Gawox Raunthor
- Gazer
- Gedalon
- Gelemouk´s mix
- Gelger
- Gelwanth
- Gemfinity
- Genapragus
- Generál Breffiston
- Generál Fersius Rader
- General protection
- Generál Tfiragoy
- Genirol
- Gerghulim
- Gernithras
- Gesp
- Gezhia
- Ghaldmar
- Ghan
- Ghannaka´s perversion
- Ghaskari
- Ghegiz Deviltrue
- Ghost fish
- Ghost scribe
- Ghubruz
- Ghúl
- Ghuzballash
- Gift of Azalla
- Gift of Bagalla
- Gift of Banibor
- Gift of Bellicor
- Gift of Bozzran
- Gift of Bronicca
- Gift of Clishna
- Gift of Dadum
- Gift of Debham
- Gift of Degammoth
- Gift of Dezrimelech
- Gift of Dhrezzam
- Gift of Dorbero
- Gift of Elwiggerech
- Gift of Ereddia
- Gift of Fauvan
- Gift of Fenessa
- Gift of Gahran
- Gift of Galimo
- Gift of Harragga
- Gift of hell
- Gift of Jezeron
- Gift of Kakapozu
- Gift of Kalpio
- Gift of Kemmla
- Gift of Koliam
- Gift of Kozmar
- Gift of Lathor
- Gift of Leddhazor
- Gift of Limbion
- Gift of Limolli
- Gift of Loctan
- Gift of Loguzbur
- Gift of Lorvann
- Gift of Maigga
- Gift of Maugauloy
- Gift of Melfest
- Gift of Melissar
- Gift of Melsel
- Gift of Merfarra
- Gift of Meriod
- Gift of Minga
- Gift of Monnwoll
- Gift of Mozerach
- Gift of Nerzernik
- Gift of Nikonai
- Gift of Nodacto
- Gift of Paolia
- Gift of Paradiggon
- Gift of Pelgram
- Gift of Pelious
- Gift of Ponkolakos
- Gift of Praenorda
- Gift of Prewar
- Gift of Prinkla
- Gift of Pullio
- Gift of Rainagg
- Gift of Redurda
- Gift of Rehos
- Gift of Reissinor
- Gift of Rexiponto
- Gift of Ribulon
- Gift of Rivna
- Gift of Rixx